About Us

Far-reaching wise beginning, well-thought reforms, complex programs and state policy carried out by our President, which based on industrial-innovational development, achievement of science and high technologies, as well as new tasks put forward in front of us made all scholars of Institute work hard and understand high responsibility, using creativity potential

The urgent and importance tasks for the Institute of Language, literature and national manuscripts named after Magtymguly is to basically study modern state and history of native language and literature, to achieve scientific results of researches, which are carried out on the basis of certified sources delivered to us from our ancestors, to collect handwriting manuscripts pattern persevered in  in scientific centers of foreign countries and in various corners of our country, that is the efforts of human wise-ness, created withinmillennia, their restorationrevival and preserving by using new technologies, to organize deeds towards studying manuscript scientifically as well as realize complex  work aimed at reading, using our ancient classics relying on the following literary schools: Etrek-Gourgan, Ahal-Sarakhs, Merv-Herat, Lebap-Balh, Kounurgench-Khorezm literary school according to State Programs adopted by esteemed President. 

As of today, the Institute of Language, literature and national manuscripts includes 8 departments, Phonetic laboratory and Journal «Miras», which provide excellent opportunity for carrying out successful scientific researches, laboratory analysis and restoration works.